Sundoulos - Fellow Servants

  Sundoulos - Fellow Servants  
Sundoulos means fellow servants.

From the Sundoulos WNY website:

Our  purpose:  to encourage, strengthen, challenge and mobilize men of Faith in Christ to become true leaders…in their home, church, workplace and community – to the glory of God.

Our vision:  to humbly but intentionally bridge the gap between diverse churches (racially,  denominationally, culturally, economically and geographically) so as to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as one united voice to those in Spiritual darkness,  and witness the mighty hand of God on His Church in Western New York.

Our mission:  to come alongside and serve the local church

  • to build strong working relationships within leadership and men in local churches,  our local community, and our region
  • to provide auxiliary means of discipleship through one-on-one mentoring and small group leadership training, networking and local Church-neighborhood outreach

For more information contact Larry Wolf, Director of Sundoulos, at
716-685-9973 or